Friday 02.05.2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Stadthaus Ulm
Münsterplatz 50
89073 Ulm
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Herlinde Koelbl: Angela Merkel
Porträts 1991–2021
Herlinde Koelbl took twenty-three portraits of Angela Merkel. The setting was always the same: a white wall, a chair, and no instructions from the photographer. The photos document Angela Merkel’s ascent from ‘Kohl’s girl’ to the world’s most powerful female head of government.
Herlinde Koelbl combined the sittings with deep conversations which allowed her to get unusually close to the person Angela Merkel. The photographs are accompanied by quotations from Merkel. First she thought the questions were “incredibly irritating”. “But then I noticed that suddenly I would ask myself: Was Mrs Koelbl actually here already this year?”*.
Herlinde Koelbl’s Merkel portraits are a continuation of her long-term study Traces of Power–for this project she took photographs of famous politicians–and a journey through the era Angela Merkel.
Venue Organizer
Münsterplatz 50
89073 Ulm Mitte
Phone: (0731) 161-7755
Fax: (0731) 161-7701
Note: wheelchair accessible
For more accessibility information, visit http://stadttipps-ulm.de or directly at the venue or the organizer. Please understand that construction works and moves often result in changes.
Münsterplatz 50
89073 Ulm Mitte
Phone: (0731) 161-7755
Fax: (0731) 161-7701